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  • Deputy Gonzalo “Gonzo” Galvez, 47, USA/LASD LEO(AD), Forest : August 30, 2024

Author Topic: Deputy Gonzalo “Gonzo” Galvez, 47, USA/LASD LEO(AD), Forest Lawn/Covina - 30 Aug  (Read 5289 times)


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The family of Deputy Sheriff Gonzalo “Gonzo” Galvez and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department requests the Patriot Guard Riders participate in his funeral service.  The Patriot Guard Riders are honored to fulfill this request.

Deputy “Gonzo” Galvez was a 24-year veteran with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.  Gonzo was very well-respected, serving with the Helicopter Rescue 5 Team.  He served as a Crew Chief, Tactical Medic, Mountain Rescue Expert, Diver and SWAT team.  He was regarded as a “cop’s cop,” continually placing his life on the line for hundreds of complete strangers. 

Gonzo was a two-time Medal of Honor recipient.  This award is the highest honor a member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department can receive. It is awarded to persons who distinguish themselves by displaying great courage, above and beyond the call of duty, in the face of immediate, life-threatening peril and with full knowledge of the risk involved

Sadly, on 06 August 2024, Gonzo lost his battle with cancer.

Gonzo leaves behind his wife, Raquel; 10-year-old son and daughters, 7 and 28 years.

NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this active law enforcement officer.  For those interested, and all PGR members are welcome, this is a flag line only (FLO) mission at Forest Lawn Memorial Park.  For those who would like to participate, please see the timetable and we will meet you there.


1130:  Stage at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, 21300 Via Verde Dr., Covina, CA.

1145:  Mission briefing.

1200:  Standby for flag line as hero enters cemetery.

Paul “PeaceKeeper” Anderson
SoCal PGR Ride Captain
Downey, CA

"Blessed are the Peacemakers"

You do not have to be a veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission.  All PGR members are welcome.  We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car.  If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the Ride Captain (RC).  Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car).  Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can.  Please ride/drive safely.

Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and respect for our Heroes.  No talking, smoking, or cell phone use during the flag line or service.  Please keep radios off and engine noise to a minimum. Observe the 15 MPH speed limit.  Remember, cemeteries are hallowed ground.  Show respect to all who are there, not just the ones we are honoring.
Lillian Riddell
Assistant State Captain SoCal PGR
(909) 855-2623