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  • SO2 Nathan Gage Ingram, 27, USN, Ft. Rosecrans, 1330hrs: April 17, 2024

Author Topic: SO2 Nathan Gage Ingram, 27, USN (AD), Ft. Rosecrans, 17 Apr, 1330hrs  (Read 2645 times)

John Gretzinger

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  • Posts: 421
    • Gretzinger Photography
The United States Navy and the family of SO2 Nathan Gage Ingram have invited us to be present at a memorial service to honor his sacrifice to our country.  We are honored to attend.

Nathan Ingram was lost at sea during a nighttime seizure of a vessel on the Arabian Sea. The vessel was illegally transporting advanced lethal aid from Iran to resupply Houthi forces in Yemen, according to a Navy news release.  Nathan gave his life protecting his fellow servicemembers and our country.

NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this military veteran.  For those interested, and all PGR members are welcome, please see the time table if you would like to participate.

Time Table for Wednesday, 17 April 2024:

1330 - Stage at Ft Rosecrans National Cemetery 1700 Cabrillo Memorial Dr, San Diego, CA 92106

1345- Mission briefing

1400- Prepare flag line for family arrival

1430- Full military honors for our hero.

R/C Ken Brassell

You do not have to be a veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission.  All PGR members are welcome.  We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car.  If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the Ride Captain (RC).  Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car).  Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can.  Please ride/drive safely.

Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and respect for our Heroes.  No talking, smoking, or cell phone use during the flag line or service.  Please keep radios off and engine noise to a minimum.
John D. "Major" Gretzinger
MAJ, AVN, USA (Ret.)
61st Avn Co (AHC) - Lucky 15
Administrator - SoCal PGR Mission Ops
Assistant State Captain, Southern California PGR