The PGR will honor Veterans Without Family by being at and participating in the Veteran's Full Military Honors funeral ceremonies.
We will stand in for the families who can't be there.
A Flag Line will honor the Veterans as we show appreciation and respect for their military service. We are their family. PGR members will perform the ceremonial flag folding and present the flag to the PGR member accepting on behalf of the family
Today we will be honoring the following heroes:
John C. Auld
Navy seaman 2nd. class WWII
Arthur Crossland jr. South Carolina
Army pvt. 1st class WWII
Edward S. Kovaleski
Sgt. Army Air Force. WWII
May the souls of these Veterans rest in peace amongst their brothers and sisters that together served to help keep our Nation free.
They are not alone; we are their family.
"If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least, let's give him homage at the ending of his days,
Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say,
Our Country is in mourning, for a soldier died today."NOTE: This mission posting facilitates your voluntary participation in honoring these Military Veterans. All PGR members are welcome; please see the timetable below.
Timetable for Tuesday 21 JAN 2025
0800 - Stage at Committal A, Miramar National Cemetery, 5795 Nobel Dr., San Diego, CA 0815 - Mission Briefing
0830 – Military Honors
0900 - Leave Miramar National Cemetery
Brad Styer
Acting R/
You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. All PGR members are welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to participate in your car. If this is your first mission, go to the initial staging area, where you will be briefed by the R/C (Ride Captain). Dress for motorcycle riding or wear casual attire while driving a cage (car).
Remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent with honor and respect for our Heroes—no talking, smoking, or cell phone use during the flag line or service. Please keep the radios off and engine noise to a minimum. Observe the 15 MPH speed limit. Remember, cemeteries are hallowed ground. Show respect to all who are there, not just the ones we honor.