So Cal PGR > So Cal PGR Thank-You Letters

Thank You - Bobby Spencer mission - 26 OCT 22


Dear Rick and all who participated on October 26th for the escorting of my husband’s ashes and the beautiful service all along the route with the flags and stopping traffic and making us feel that my husband was cared for and special! Then the beautiful arch of flags as we escorted Bob to his committal! I will never forget your reverence, kindness, honor and tenderness! May God bless each one of you! Even down to the little details with the velvet bag with the three bullet shells and the beautiful beaded work, each signifying an important part of who you are! Along with the military honors, i was very comforted that day and it was largely because of all of you! I am forever grateful and so is my son, Phil! With love and appreciation, Lottie Spencer


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