!!! TIME CHANGE !!! TIME CHANGE !!! SEE TIME TABLE BELOW FOR NEW TIMESIt is our honor the family of Cpl Robert Cazarez, USMC invites the Patriot Guard Riders to attend and participate in his memorial to commemorate the 3 year anniversary of his passing.
Robert was born 3 FEB 88, in Sinaloa, Mexico and immigrated to the United States where he graduated from Narbonne High School in 2006. Just a few weeks after graduation Robert felt the "Call to Duty" and enlisted in the Marines.
After completing recruit training, Robert schooled in and became a small-arms repair technician. But Robert eventually made a conscious decision to insert himself in the line of fire. He re-enlisted into the infantry field and became the driver of his commander's fast-moving light armored vehicle in the 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division. Robert often volunteered to embark on the foot patrols that are normally the province of trained scouts who ride on the back of the vehicle and hop off to perform military strikes.
Before Robert deployed he applied to become a citizen of the country he loved, the United States of America. Before he received his wish, Robert was killed in action, 30 MAR 12, in Afghanistan, at 24 years of age.
You Tube video honoring CPL Robert Cazarez;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm0cD3_-k1INote: This notice is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this American Hero. For those interested all are welcome.
UPDATED!!! Time Table for Sunday, 29 MAR 151115 hrs Stage at Green Hills Memorial Park, 27501 Western Ave.,
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
http://goo.gl/maps/TVkM41130 hrs Mission Briefing
1145 hrs Flag line
1200 hrs KSU to Grave site
Ride Captain
Paul (PeaceKeeper) AndersonDowney, CA
You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain). Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car). Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can. Please ride/drive safely.
Please post your condolences at the National link: