The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited by the U.S. Marine Corps to participate in their Send Off of Marines and Sailors who are leaving on deployment.
We will arrive at Embarcadero Park South in San Diego where we will be greeted by the families of these Marines and Sailors and enjoy a meet and greet with them. The Marines and Sailors will be boarding ships at another location, and as their ships come by the Park, we will line up with our flags waving and show them support along with the families.
Please bring your flags, your smiles, your handshakes and hugs and be prepared for a wonderful patriotic morning.
NOTE: This is an event mission, there will be no Ride Captain.
IMPORTANT: This is metered parking, please bring change for parking, some change may be provided by the Unit but please do not count on it. NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring these Marines and Sailors.
Time table for Friday, 12 FEB 16: 0700 - Arrive at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 200 Marina Park Way, San Diego, CA 92101 0730 - 1000 - Fellowship and refreshments with the families
1030 - Est Flag Line as ships pass in harbor
Contact person will be Bryan Vaughn, FRO for the group, when you arrive please ask for him.
There is no Ride Captain for this event You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain). Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car). Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can. Please ride/drive safely.
Please post your thank yous and messages of support to the National link: