The family of Detective Jack E. Morenberg and his brethren of the Colton Police Department have asked the Patriot Guard Riders to attend his services and honor his service in the US Navy and with the Colton Police Department. We are honored to do so.
Det Jack E. Morenberg, 69 years old, passed away 28 April 17 after a battle with illness. Jack was born in 1947 in Brooklyn, NY to Harold and Reva Morenberg and in early 1948 his family moved to California. Jack lived the remainder of his life here.
Jack joined the US Navy in October 1967 and was assigned to the Lemoore Naval Air Station. During the Vietnam War he was assigned aboard the USS America and the USS Constellation as an aircraft mechanic. Jack earned an Honorable Discharge from the US Navy. In 1982 Jack joined the California Army National Guard where he served as a Crew Chief on Huey, Cobra and Apache helicopters. He was also the first qualified Aerialscout Observer in the Air Calvary, known by his call sign, “Moondog”. His awards included The National Defense Service Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Armed Forces, Expeditionary Medal and a Vietnam Service Medal.
In January of 1982 Jack joined the Colton Police Department as a Reserve Officer. On August 8, 1987 he was sworn in as a full time Colton Police Officer. During his 30+ years of service he worked several assignments, including SWAT and gang enforcement, but he was most regarded for his time as a Homicide Detective. During this time, he solved
59 homicide cases, earning the nickname “Jigsaw Jack” and was lauded for his determination and tenacity. Jack ultimately reached the rank of Senior Detective.
In his personal life Jack loved motorcycles and especially Harleys and he worked at a HD dealership as mechanic in the 70’s. He won multiple awards for his restoration of a 1953 Panhead and a replica of a police bike. He enjoyed shooting sports and was involved in period reenactments.
Jack is survived by his loving family, daughter Jacquelyn (her husband Ryan and his 8 week old Grandson Nolan), his brother Steven. His parents preceded his passing.
At the church Colton Police Department will provide personnel for the playing of taps, 21 gun salute and flag folding for presentation to the family. At the park, the US Army will be providing personnel for the flag folding and presentation to the family.
NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this Military Veteran. For those interested, and all are welcome, we will be accompanying the hero and his family from the church services to the Veterans Park. Please see the time table if you would like to participate.
IMPORTANT: Weather is expected to be warm, please hydrate and eat as this will help you withstand the warmer tempuratures. Bring water!!
Time Table for Thursday, 15 June 17:1430 - Stage at Colton’s First Assembly Of God. 450 W. Citrus St, Colton, CA 92324 (Please arrive quietly as the service will be in progress) - Mission Briefing
1500 - Flag line for family
1515 – Colton PD to play TAPS and 21 gun salute
1530 - Est KSU to Veteran’s Freedom Park, 21950 Pico St, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 – Est Arrival at park and Flag Line for family
1600 – Military Honors & dedication of plaque in our Hero's honor
R/C Ernie "Casper" Kopasz
SoCal PGR Ride CaptainUSAF/CaAirNG Vet, LEO (Ret)
You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain). Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car). Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can. Please ride/drive safely.