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  • SHORT NOTICE - Send Off - SGT Rick VanSickle, San Diego: May 01, 2014

Author Topic: SHORT NOTICE - Send Off - SGT Rick VanSickle, 42, USA, San Diego, CA - 01 MAY 14  (Read 2693 times)


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The wife of SGT Rick VanSickle, U.S. Army, has asked the PGR to help her family send their Hero off as he departs for deployment.
SGT Rick VanSickle will be attaching to a recently deployed Eng. Battalion as they head into harms way.
Please bring your smiles, handshakes, hugs, banners and flags to wish this Hero a safe journey and speedy return!

NOTE:  This is a surprise, please DO NOT post on any social media!!
NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this American Hero.
Time table for Thursday, 01 MAY 14:
1315 - Stage at Spanish Landing, San Diego, CA.
1330 - Mission briefing.
1345 - KSU to departure location.

1400 - Approx. Flag Line for our Departing Hero.

R/C Sandy Hart "High Pockets"
SoCal Ride Captain
You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain).  Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car).  Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can.  Please ride/drive safely.

Please post your good wishes and thanks to this link:


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