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  • LCpl Artem Lazukin, 26, USMC/WW/Ret, La Mesa/Camp Pendleton: April 09, 2015

Author Topic: LCpl Artem Lazukin, 26, USMC(Ret), OEF, San Diego, CA - 09 APR 15  (Read 2176 times)


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The PGR has been invited by the US Marine Corps and the family to attend and accompany LCpl Artem Lazukin, 26, for his funeral services.  It will be our honor to do so.
LCpl Lazukin enlisted in the Marines Corps in Dec, 2009, he served with the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines. In June, 2011, while on patrol on his first deployment, he stepped on an IED and lost both his legs and suffered numerous other traumatic injuries.  He then spent two years recovering in Naval Hospitals and learning to walk again with prosthetic legs. He was part of the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Balboa Hospital for the last several years.  He also participated in the Warrior Games where he earned a silver medal for shooting. In Nov, 2013 he was medically retired by the Marine Corps but remained active in the Marine community.
Artem is survived by his mother, and numerous extended family and friends.
This mission is Combat Related, there will be dog tags and a plaque.
MEET UP POINT: For those of you who do not want to go all the way to La Mesa you can gather at Carl's Jr., 3929 So El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA  Be there before 0745 to move into position at the corner of Cristianitos Rd to join the procession which should drive by at 0745 - 0800.  Please appoint someone to call Gunny for update on time of drive by. WE WILL NOT STOP.
NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this American Hero. For those interested, and all are welcome, we will be accompanying the hero and his family from the funeral home to the service and back to the funeral home. Please see the time table if you would like to participate.
Time table for Thursday, 09 APR 15:
0615 - Stage Legacy Funeral Care, 7043 University Ave., La Mesa, CA
0630 - Mission briefing
0645 - Flag Line for dignified transfer of Hero to coach
0700 - KSU to Camp Pendleton Marine Base, San Mateo Area Chapel, building 62440 (approximately 65 miles)
0815 - Estimate arrival at Chapel
0830 - Est dignified transfer of Hero into Chapel
1000 - Service begins
1100 - Est Military Honors
1115 - Est KSU for the return trip to Legacy Funeral Care
1230 - Est arrival at Legacy
1245 - Est Flag Line for dignified transfer of Hero into building
RC Craig H Donor
AKA Gunny

GySgt USMC (ret)
Cell 909 208 7703
PGR SoCal State Captain
Dream like you will live forever.
Live like there is no tomorrow.

Co/RC Lorenzo Lizarraga
Patriot Guard Ride Captain
You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain).  Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car).  Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can.  Please ride/drive safely.

Please post your condolences at this link: