The family of Ralph King Boulanger have asked the Patriot Guard Riders to pay Honors on their hero's final journey home. It will be our honor to do so.
Ralph was 95 years old at time of death. He was born 11/10/1922 and passed on 1/08/2018. He is a member of the greatest generation and enlisted in the United States Army in 1942 He served his time during WWII in the Philippines, New Guinea and Japan as a Heavy Truck Driver with the Army Signal Corp attaining the Rank Tech 5. He received the Philippine Service Medal and Good Contact Medal.
After Ralph completed his time in the Army, he married the love of his Life, Frances, the girl next door. Ralph was married to Frances for 66 years.
After his honorary discharge, he worked as a Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputy and his second career was a HVAC repair/serviceman.
After retirement Ralph and Frances traveled the country several times. His love passed away in 2013.
He is survived by 3 daughters, Jeanne, Lorraine and Carol, a PGR member. Carol and Bill " SNOREY" are active with the PGR. He is also survived by 12 Grand Children, 38 Great-Grand Children and 1 Great Great Grand Son.
One daughter and five grandsons have followed in Ralph's footsteps and are serving (AD) in either law enforcement or military.
Ralph was a tinkerer and could repair almost anything and with all the grand-children I am sure he was busy.
He was active in his church and also loved fishing, camping and spending time with the family.
NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring these Military Veterans.
Time Table for Saturday, 03 February 20181345 - Staging at Staging Area 3 for the family. Pgr Staging with be at Staging area 8 Riverside National Cemetery 1400 - Briefing
1430 - KSU to shelter for Flag line and Military Honors
R/C: Dean Parker (aka Deano aka Gofer)Patriot Guard Ride Captain
You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain). Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car). Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can. Please ride/drive safely.
Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and respect for our Heroes. No talking, smoking, or cell phone use during the flag line or service. Please keep radios off and engine noise to a minimum. Observe the 15 MPH speed limit. Remember, cemeteries are hallowed ground. Show respect to all who are there, not just the ones we are honoring.