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  • Vietnam Vets Ranger Memorial, San Diego: September 07, 2013

Author Topic: UPDATED -Vietnam Vets Ranger Airborne Memorial, USA - San Diego, CA - 07 SEP 13  (Read 7124 times)


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The Vietnam Veterans of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade, E Company 51st Infantry and G Company Ranger (Airborne) will be holding their 24th annual reunion in San Diego, California on September 5th - 8th, 2013.  Saturday morning (07 Sept), there will be a memorial service for their lost Heroes at Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery.

The Patriot Guard Riders have been asked to provide an informational speech with Flag Line at the hotel and then a motorcycle accompaniment to Fort Rosecrans, where the PGR will stand a Flag Line and play "Taps" for the participants to honor their Heroes who were lost in Vietnam. Taps will be played by Glenn "Stormy" Blackway, one of our PGR Ride Captains.  A special event speaker will be heard at that time.

NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring these Heroes. For those interested, we will be standing two Flag Lines and accompanying these Soldiers to Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery.  If you would rather join us for the Flag Line at the cemetery only, that is fine, go directly to the cemetery.  We are not including the address to the hotel since if you were to go there on your own, they WILL NOT park you.  Please see the time table below if you would like to participate.
We encourage you to bring your old Vietnam uniform shirt to wear during the Memorial, or wear your Vietnam T-shirts & hats commemorating the Vietnam war.

Time table for Saturday, 07 SEP 13:

0715 - Stage at Spanish Landing Park, San Diego, CA

0730 - Mission Briefing.

0800 - KSU to Hotel

0815 - Arrive at Hotel for Presentation
0830 - Briefing, Presentation, and Flag Line at Hotel for participants

0930 - KSU for Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery, 1800 Cabrillo Memorial Dr., San Diego, CA

0945 - Arrive at Ft Rosecrans for Memorial service, Flag Line and Playing of Taps.

R/C Chuck "Machine" Johnson
Patriot Guard Ride Captain
760-271-2544 cell


You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the initial staging area and you will be briefed there by the R/C (Ride Captain).  Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car).  Please feel free to attend any portion of this mission you can.  Please ride/drive safely.

Please go to the national thread to leave your thank yous for these brave warriors: