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  • Ralph Gardner, Lake Hughes: November 17, 2013

Author Topic: Ralph E Gardner, 71, Vietnam, National Guard/USA, Lake Hughes, 17 Nov 13  (Read 3893 times)

John Gretzinger

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The Family of Ralph E. Gardner requests the PGR to stand and participate in his Memorial Service.

Ralph joined the National Guards on March 14th 1960 to March 13th 1964. 5 Months later Ralph join the US Army August 17th 1964 to Aug.16th 1967 attaining the rank of SP5-E-5 during the Vietnam era. He was a company clerk in Germany, received a Good conduct medal.

Ralph Gardner was an antique restoration, custom upholstery, rodeo rider and a horse trainer. Surviving spouse, Susie Gardner, Son Jim Barela and two grandchildren, 3 brothers and 3 sisters many nieces and nephews.

NOTE: This mission posting is to facilitate your voluntary participation in honoring this Military Veteran.

Time table for Sunday 17 November 2013:

1445 – Stage Lucky Days Cocktail Bar/Crossroad Tavern; 43840 Lake Hughes Rd., Lake Hughes, Ca

            (Corner of Elizabeth Lake Rd & Lake Hughes Rd)

1500 – Mission briefing right after – K.S.U. to the Oak Conference Center; 18651 Pine Canyon Rd., Lake Hughes, Ca. 93532.

1515 – Flag Line before and after service at the Church for family and guess

Map link for this mission -  or


Larry Miller
SP4 US Army 76-79
Cell: 661 816 1263
SoCalPGR Regional R/C

"We ride in HONOR of those who have served..
We ride in HOPE for the safety of those who are serving...
We ride in MEMORY of those we have lost."

You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle rider to attend this mission. Everyone is welcome. We encourage those who do not ride to attend in your car. If this will be your first mission go to the staging area and you will be briefed there. Dress for motorcycle riding or dress casually if you are driving a cage (car).

Please remember to share your condolences with the family at this link:

John D. "Major" Gretzinger
MAJ, AVN, USA (Ret.)
61st Avn Co (AHC) - Lucky 15
Administrator - SoCal PGR Mission Ops
PGR Ride Captain