Author Topic: Thank You from the DeGroot family 26 July 2024  (Read 2087 times)

John Gretzinger

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Thank You from the DeGroot family 26 July 2024
« on: August 01, 2024, 03:56:24 AM »
Dear Mr. Lizarraga,

Billy, Nicholas, Phil, Paul, State Capt. Tom and the dozens of PGR riders who escorted me on the most difficult day of my life to Ft. Rosecrans to the final resting place for my husband,  Capt. Jason “Shady” DeGroot—thank you.

Obviously, two words too small to express my deepest appreciation for your true act of service on such a difficult journey.

Even though I had heard, “Patriot Guard”, I was honestly surprised walking out to a queue of some of the toughest looking individuals I’ve ever seen and could instantly feel the love. Not something I’m unfamiliar with—my husband’s call sign was “Shady”—the juxtaposition, so beautifully impactful.

The unity, the reverence, the respect I felt that day started in that moment right there.

The past six months was a battle, especially for Jason, both physically and mentally.  A war with pancreatic cancer that would forever change our story and the lives of his children, Evangeline (8) and Harlan (6).  If grief is the price for love, then this loss comes at a great cost.

The only salve is to know the power of a collective love and I certainly felt that on July 26, 2024. This is from the passage read that day:

“For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
    they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”
Psalm 91, The soldier’s Psalm

Thank you, true patriots.

With love,

Mia DeGroot
John D. "Major" Gretzinger
MAJ, AVN, USA (Ret.)
61st Avn Co (AHC) - Lucky 15
Administrator - SoCal PGR Mission Ops
Assistant State Captain, Southern California PGR